Flag of NS
Flag of Scotland


Our foundation uses the name of our society as it was in 1768-the North British Society of Halifax-founded at a time when Scottish immigration to Halifax was at its height.

This followed the final defeat in Scotland of the Jacobite rising at the Battle of Cullodin on 16th of April 1746. English persecution of the Scottish Highlanders coupled with economic hardship forced many Scots to leave Scotland and settle in Nova Scotia, Canada. Our society was founded to support the needs of the Scots in a new land.


Today, our foundation, the North British Society Charitable Trust, supports Scottish organizations in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Some of these organizations are;

  •  The Scots Highland Company Army Cadet Corps,
  • The 78th Highlanders (Halifax Citadel), a world-class piping and drumming organization,
  • Scholarships at Dalhousie University, and
  • Maintenance of Scottish monuments in Halifax’s Scottish Park, the historic Victoria Park.