Our foundation uses the name of our society as it was in 1768-the North British Society of Halifax-founded at a time when Scottish immigration to Halifax was at its height.
Our society was established in 1768 as the North British Society of Halifax. We were founded at a time when Scottish immigration to Halifax (itself founded in 1749) was at its height.
In 1921, our society wanted to memorialise its members who had died serving in World War I. Consequently, we established the Fourth Halifax Highland Scout Troop, as a kilted Troop in 1922 as a living memorial.
Our Scottish forefathers regarded support of education to be important in order to allow our people to improve themselves. Our society established a series of scholarships at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
The Gaelic College has an international reputation for its contribution to the promotion and preservation of traditional Gaelic culture, offering instruction in over 10 disciplines.